Ever since his rockstar performance at his step-up ceremony, Nate has been excited to tell everyone that he is in pre-K. During our trip to the shore, Nate passed a group of men chatting on the sidewalk and said to them, "Hey, guys! I'm in Pre-K!" It was one of the cutest things I have ever heard.
He started school this week. On the first day, the whole walk there my little 4-year-old had a huge smile on his face and told several people we passed, "This is my first day of Pre-K." He was so excited to tell our local crossing guard and so happy to wear his name badge that had arrived in the mail from school a few weeks prior.
Pre-K will be a big change from last year. Instead of three short mornings a week, he will be going to school 8am - 1pm everyday. And since it's UPK, it's free. It's kind of crazy. Last year, we had to pay to send him a few times a week where he brought his own snack. Now he goes for most of the day, breakfast and lunch provided, and it's free. Go UPK!
Since he attended the school last year, we know many of the kids and the community. But it has been hard for him to adjust to some of his friends not being in his class. Since there are three pre-K classes, most of his good friends from last year (and consequently my good friends!) are in other classes. But we can see them for playdates and both of us will hopefully make new friends...
So far, Nate loves it. He's been telling everyone that pre-K is great and his teacher is super nice. I hope he keeps his enthusiasm for school all year - and preferably even after. I'm so proud of that kid.